Sunday, September 20, 2015

Couch DB

What is CouchDB ?
  • It's an open source NO-SQL database as we don't use the legacy SQL Statements to query the DB.
  • It's a document storage Database as it holds the collection of independent documents [Document holds the data as the JSON Objects.].
  • Uses HTTP based API  for CRUD Operations.
Why CouchDB?
  • Have HTTP Based API to retrive the Data.
  • Follows Atomicity while saving the Data into Documents. Either all Data is saved or not saved at all.
  • Have Views that would allow to join many Documents to have multiple view of Data.
Setting up CouchDB
  • We can either have our own DB at Cloud using
  • Else Avail the local CouchDB from Once Setup, access the Futon(admin console) at if it's been locally setup.
  • CouchDB allows you to write a client side application that talks directly to the Couch without the need for a server side middle layer, significantly reducing development time.
  • cURL is a tool available in Linux, Mac, Windows etc Platforms and can be used to transfer the data to a CouchDB via HTTP, Telnet, HTTPS, FTP and LDAP Protocols.  
  • Below command returns the UI part of accessed URL.


Flags in Curl

-X Flag = tells curl to use the provided request method and not the default i.e. GET
-d Flag = helps in passing the data along with  Request methods.

curl -X PUT -d userid=ttt -d password=ttt

-o Flag writes the requested url into a file

curl -o index.html

Interactions with CouchDB via cURL
  • Check Connections with CouchDB [ curl ]
  • List all DBs of CouchDB [curl -X GET ]
  • Create a new DB in CouchDB [curl -X PUT ]
  • Verify if the new DB been created [curl -X GET]
  • Get the Information about the newly Created DB [curl -X GET ]
  • Create a new Document in CouchDB with Document ID[ curl -X PUT"testerid" -d '{"lockerno": "123411","facility":"inot"}' ]
  • Return values of a Document with Document ID. [ curl -X GET"testerid" ]
  • Delete a Document with Document Id and Revision Id [ curl -X DELETE ]

Maps & Reduce

Open CouchDB -> Select any DB -> Navigate to Views Drop Down on right and Select Temporary Views.

Sample Maps

function (doc) {
    if ( === "Ananda") {

Sample Reduce

function (keys,value) {
    return sum(value);

[ Note: This would iterate through all the Documents in that DB and return the filtered result. The filtered result then get reduced by reduce function. ]

Map and Reduce Functions offer great variations to the Document to the document Structure and the resultant is called View in CouchDB Terminology.

Default Sort Order is based on the IDs to makes the Views efficient.

Value from the Map Function gets passed onto the second attribute [normally marked as value as above] of Reduce Function.

Group Level Re-reduce:

In certain map function, you may have group of keys as Array as below:

function(doc) {
var store, price, value;
if (doc.item && doc.price)
for (store in doc.price) {

Array of Keys in Map Emit Function can be helpful in performing group level re-reduce emit([,doc._id],doc.value);

Let's then have the sample reduce function as below:

function(keys, values) {
    return values.length;

Now if we enable reduce check button, we can find the value filtered producing the key as [doc._id,store]. The default group level reduce is exact. In case of group level 1 reduce, we have only one key [doc._id] available. When on group level 2 reduce, we have all two keys available.

B Tree Index:

CouchDB employs B Tree indexing to store and retrive the Values internally. You can have a look at Wiki Page for more info on B Tree []

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Message Oriented Middleware and Messaging Protocols

What is Message Oriented Middleware?

                        Message-oriented middleware (MOM) is software or hardware infrastructure supporting sending and receiving messages between distributed systems.

MOM and its Providers

IBM MQ      -> IBM
ActiveMQ    -> Apache
SonicMQ     -> Progress
RabbitMQ    -> Rabbit Technologies

Messaging Protocols

Even after selecting the messaging middleware application, selection of messaging protocol and understanding them becomes a huge hurdle.

>>AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)


                    1.  Interoperable. [To understand this let's go thorugh why AMQP came into existence as below with as reference material]
                             Java Messaging Service offers the Standard such the Producer and Consumer if  implemented in Java, the message broker [ActiveMQ/ RabbitMQ/ any other Message Oriented Middleware] used can be replaced with few lines of Code Change. 
                           However if Producer is written in java and Consumer written in Ruby, then JMS standard becomes no use, change of Message Broker would result in Code refactoring at both the ends.
                           Thus AMQP was brought it to support message interoperability. If AMQP supported message Broker is used as Message Oriented Middleware then the entire problem would be solved as AMQP provides the Standard for how the message to be Structured and transmitted.

                    2.  Reliable - Provides Subscribe Feature, Provides options for Controlling  Message Queue Size.

>>MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport)


                 1. Have very less API Methods and it's Simple.
                 2. Efficient for power Constrained Devices - Ex: Smartphones.
                 3. Data Exchanged in Binary Format.
                1. No Message Queue in spite as in the name.

>> STOMP (Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol)


                1. Data Exchange Format is Text Based. 
                2. Similar to AMQP and MQTT provide frame header with Properties and body.


                1. No Support for Message Queue.

Friday, July 17, 2015


What is Docker?

                  Docker is a platform for developing, building and shipping the application using Container Virtualization Technology.

What Docker Consists of?

                 Docker Platform itself composed of many tools:

                        >>Docker Engine
                        >>Docker Machine
                        >>Docker Hub
                        >>Docker Swarm
                        >>Docker Compose

[Note: Container Virtualization uses kernel on host to create multiple containers. From outside it looks like we are dealing with VMs and not containers. But it is not.

We may be using the term hypervisor at many places below and a short note on what hypervisor is. A hypervisor or virtual machine monitor (VMM) is a piece of computer software [Ex. VMware VSphere], firmware or hardware that creates and runs virtual machines.
A computer on which a hypervisor is running one or more virtual machines is defined as a host machine. Each virtual machine is called a guest machine. ]
Why Docker?
               >>Docker interacts directy with the Kernel of Host OS whereas the hypervisor are something installed on the Host and operates based on the Guest Instances sharing the Hardware Resources.
Docker Architechture
Hypervisor Architechture
This inturn sparks a question in mind. What makes Containers different from VMS?

  • Containers interact directly with Host Kernel.
  • Containers are lightweight and can be started quick.
  • Containers requires less CPU and RAM to Start up. Thus we can have more Containers. 
Docker Machine:

  • It's nothing but the boot2Docker that helps us setup the Virtual Linux Box, place Docker Engine within and Configure Container to talk to this Engine.
  • Docker Machine act the Docker Host.

Docker Engine:

Also referred as Docker Daemon.
  • It's a program that enables the Containers to be built, shipped and run.
  • The Docker Engine uses Linux-specific kernel features. We can relate just like the one below if our OS is Windows / Mac. 

Docker Engine

  • Thus we install boot2Docker that sets up the Virtual Linux Box and have the Docker Engine placed with in.

Docker Client
  • Docker clients helps in interacting with the Docker Server/ Docker Engine/
  • Docker Client fetch the Input from User and pass the details back to Docker Daemon for processing.
  • Docker Client and the Docker Machine(boot2Docker) in most of the cases are installed in the same host. Here it is the OS Platform that we use.
  • If not happy with Command line docker, we also opt for Kitematic that GUI Tool for interacting with Docker daemon.
[Note: command docker version on container returns the Daemon Version and the Docker Version]
Containers Vs Images:
         Images are read only Templates used to create the Containers. Stored in Local or the Docker Hub. While Containers are the Application Platform made up of multiple images.

Docker Registry/Hub Vs Repository:
         Images  can be stored in the registry/ Docker Hub. The registry holds multiple repositories and repository holds multiple images.

         Example: Docker Hub Public Registry -
                         Image fetched from repository is run using docker run [repo_name: tag_name] command

How to create the Docker Engine?

Gets Automatically created if not created at the start of the boot2Docker terminal. This is just a general info.

      Step 1:  Run the common in terminal boot2Docker delete
     Step 2:  boot2Docker init - brings up the Docker Engine. 
     Step 3: boot2Docker up - starts the Docker Engine and would make it run.
      Step 4:  boot2Docker ip - brings the IP Address
Common Docker Commands:

           docker run [repo_name: tag_name of image] -> Fetch the Image and installs in the Container.       
           docker start name_of_container -> Starts the Container.
           docker stop name_of_container -> Stops the Container.
           docker ps [-a include stopped containers] -> Lists all the Containers.
           docker rm <image | id>  -> Remove a Container.
           docker login Login the Containers with Docker Hub Credentials.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Squirrel SQL

Squirrel SQL:

The SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical program written in the Java programming language that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC-compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands and much more.

Configuration of Squirrel SQL to connect to Derby Database:

Step 1: Launch the Squirrel SQL.

Step 2: Click Add button and would be presented with the below dialog. Provide the Name, Example URL, Website URL and in the external Class Path, add the Jars derby.jar and derbyclient.jar that comes along with the Installation of Derby Database. Click OK button

Step 3: Select Alias Tab. Feed in the below details: Sample Name, Driver that we created in Step 2, URL, Username and password being APP, Select Auto Logon and click Ok Button.

Step 4: Now we would be able to view the Contents of Derby Database.

Apache Derby

Apache Derby:

What is Apache Derby?
  • Relational database management being developed by Apache Software Foundation. 
  • Was initially developed by the Developers of Cloudscape.
  • Informix later acquired Cloudscape. Acquisition continued. IBM acquired Informix and still extended its support for Derby.
  • Time Progressed. IBM later withdrew its support and Apache Software Foundation continued the development of Apache Derby.

Features of Apache Derby:

Max DB Size                      Unlimited

Max Table Size                  Unlimited
Max Row Size                    Unlimited
Max Columns per row      1012
Max Column Name Size   128 bits

When Apache Derby?

  • Apache Derby being written in Java and thus usable only by Java and other scripting languages(Jython, JRuby, Jacl, etc)  that run on JVM.
  • Consumes less Footprint and can be opted when we look for DB that can set quickly.
Installation of Apache Derby:
      In Windows:
                 >> Set the environment variable DERBY_HOME to the Derby installation directory
                 >> Add DERBY_HOME/bin to the "path" environment variable

       In Mac:
               >>Open the Terminal and hit vi ~/.bash_profile 
               >>Now enter the below set of values
                     export DERBY_HOME=/Volumes/D Drive/Softwares/db-derby-
                     export PATH=$PATH:$DERBY_HOME/bin

Check the Installation    

To check if Derby has been successfully installed, run the following command where /User/hspadmin... is the location of derbyrun.jar residing within lib directory

java -jar /Users/hspadmin/Applications/db-derby- sysinfo

Once run, you should get the below output:

------------------ Java Information ------------------
Java Version:    1.7.0_75
Java Vendor:     Oracle Corporation
Java home:       /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_75.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
Java classpath:  /Users/hspadmin/Applications/db-derby-
OS name:         Mac OS X
OS architecture: x86_64
OS version:      10.9.5
Java user name:  hspadmin
Java user home:  /Users/hspadmin
Java user dir:   /Users/hspadmin Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.version: 1.7
java.runtime.version: 1.7.0_75-b13
--------- Derby Information --------
[/Users/hspadmin/Applications/db-derby-] - (1616546)
[/Users/hspadmin/Applications/db-derby-] - (1616546)
[/Users/hspadmin/Applications/db-derby-] - (1616546)
[/Users/hspadmin/Applications/db-derby-] - (1616546)
[/Users/hspadmin/Applications/db-derby-] - (1616546)

Command to Start the Derby Server


Change the Port of Derby Server

     By default Derby Server runs on the port 1527 and we can change the default port by the below command:

           startNetworkServer -p 3301

Accept of Connections from specific host:

   By default Derby accepts connections only from localhost and to make it accept the request from other hosts, run the below command with ip address/ domain name

         startNetworkServer -h

Accept of Connections from all Host:

         startNetworkServer -h

View the Contents of the Database:

Apache Derby doesnot provide any provision for Graphical view of the DB Contents. 
We normally use the Tools IJ / Squirrel SQL Client for this Purpose.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


What is JSHint?
  • Static Code Analysis Tool - means analysis is done without actually executing the Source Code.
  • Flexible and facilitates the customizability of Coding rules.
What JSHint does?
  • Validates the Javascript code to check if it complies with the predefined coding rules.
  • Ensures Code quality and improves maintainability.
Architecture of JSHint
  • JSHint rests on top of JSLint (Lint Project initially set up Crockford)

Setting up JSHint
  • JSHint is distributed as a node module and thus it requires Node.js and NPM to be installed in the System.
  • Install jshint globally with the below command which would help us to trigger JSHint directly via cmd.
           > npm install -g jshint 

  •  Now that we have installed jshint , we can run the analysis against any Javascript file like one such below.
           >jshint testFile.js

.jshintrc - Configuration file

  • .jshintrc is the configuration file where we define the rules that our Source Code should comply with.
      Generation of of .jshintrc
               * We use yeoman to generate this file as JSHint command line tool doesn't facilitate this generation.
              Yeoman is a Scaffolding Tool. It's ok if we are not familiar with yeoman at this moment, we gonna just execute the couple of commands below with it for .jshintrc file generation.

                npm install -g yo  [Installs yeoman]

                npm install -g generator-jshint  [Installs jshintrc generator - one of Yeoman Generator]

                yo jshint [Generates .jshintrc file]

[Refer for the default values for the Applicable rules]

Static Code Analysis .jshintrc File

  • Execute the command jshint .jshintrc js/app.js to run the analysis for the app.js file within the directory named js. 

  • In the command jshint and .jshintrc corresponds to the jshint installed globally  and  .jshintrc - configuration file generated earlier using yeoman.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Ruby Gems - Compass and Sass

Ruby Gems
  • RubyGems is a package manager for the Ruby programming language.
  • Facilitates the easy installation of gems [Ruby Programs] and also in managing the Server that distributes gems

Why we go for Ruby Gems?
  • Ruby Gems helps in downloading and managing the gems. In specific it helps in installing the Sass tool and compass too to compile the .scss files to .css

Installation of Ruby Gems
  • RubyGems comes as a part of standard library with the Ruby Version 1.9.
  • Download Ruby Gems from and install it.

Installation of Gems:
Let's install sample Gem [Sass / Compass - Ruby Gems]
Step 1
    Check if Ruby and Ruby Gems have correctly installed using the commands
ruby --version
gem --version
Step 2
    Setup up the Environment in the Platforms Windows and Mac.
    Run the below commands that removes the SSL security which in turn would help us handshake with Ruby Server      
        gem sources -r - to temporarily remove secure connection
gem sources -a - add insecure connection
gem update --system - now we're able to update rubygems without SSL
    sudo gem update --system  
        xcode-select --install //Installs the xcode command line tool that lays the platform for installing compass later
Step 3
   Install the gems as below
    gem install sass
  gem install compass
    sudo gem install sass
    sudo gem install compass

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


What is Gulp?

  • Gulp is advertised as streaming build system that does the job of Minification, Compilation, Watcher of File Changes etc and can be compared to grunt.

What are Environment Prerequistes?

  • Gulp should be installed Globally using the command npm install gulp -g that we can access the local Glup Files using the Command Line  Commands.
  • The Project Directory we are working should have Gulp Configuration File and Gulp installed within [whihc can be done by using the command npm install gulp].

How Gulp Works overall?

    We execute the Project running on Gulp using the command gulp. This would invoke the globally installed gulp and make it to search for the Gulp Configuration File [gulp.js] located locally within Project directory.

   Gulp.js then loads the locally installed gulp to achieve the Gulp tasks configured within.

Sample Gulp File to Live Reload the html files and also to host the files in the Server by invoking the index.html file as the StartUp

  1. var gulp = require('gulp');
  2. var express = require('express');
  3. var lr = require('tiny-lr')();

  4. gulp.task('serve',function(){
  5.   var app = express();
  6.   app.use(require('connect-livereload')());
  7.   app.use(express.static(__dirname));
  8.   app.listen(4000);
  9. });

  10. gulp.task('liveReload',function(){
  11. lr.listen(35729);
  12. });

  13. gulp.task('default',['serve','liveReload'], function () {
  16. });

  17. // Notifies livereload of changes detected
  18. // by ``
  19. function notifyLivereload(event) {

  20.   // `` events provide an absolute path
  21.   // so we need to make it relative to the server root
  22.   var fileName = require('path').relative(__dirname, event.path);

  23.   lr.changed({
  24.     body: {
  25.       files: [fileName]
  26.     }
  27.   });
  28. }

Friday, February 27, 2015


What is Grunt?

Grunt is basically a TaskRunner that automates the repetitive tasks such as minification, compilation of preprocessor language into css and also act as an effective build system.

How Grunt Works? [Just know how things work in general, we would see it in detail in sections following below]

We run the grunt command at the Projects Root Directory, Grunt-CLI looks for Locally Installed Grunt [We install grunt locally by running the command npm install grunt --save-dev at Project Root Directory]and if found loads it. Once done Gruntjs file (holds required configurations for Grunt tasks to run) is loaded and configurations in it is applied and Gruntjs File also in turn loads the package.json file if needed which is provided by npm [generated by npm init command].

Installation of Grunt Command Line Intrerface and Setting up Grunt

Step 1: Install the Grunt Command Line Interface globally using the command npm install grunt-cli -g  

[ Note: Grunt-cli doesn't include the Grunt Task Runner.  Grunt -cli  is mainly used to process the Grunt Files located somewhere in the system. To perform automation and the Minification Task, we actually need grunt installed within the working directory.]

Step 2: Check if grunt is installed succesfully using the command grunt --version 

Thus the Grunt Command Line Interface has been successfully installed globally and would be able to access it via command line

Step 3: Now let's setup the Grunt Task Runner Locally. Navigate to the Project Root Directory and run the command npm install grunt --save-dev. This would generate node-modules directory and place grunt task runner within.

Step 4: Generate the package,json file by executing the command npm init at Project's Root Directory.

We now have Grunt-Cli Installed Globally, Grunt Task Runner Locally and package.json file created.

Setting up Gruntfile.js 

To Specify what Tasks need to be run, Register the Tasks, Load the required NPM Modules for executing the Tasks etc we need some configuration mechanism and GruntFile.js serve this purpose.

Sample Working Grunt Demo 

Tutorial 1: Using Grunt, we are going to compile .less file to .css file and the .coffee file to .js file

Step 1 : Let's create a Directory that all our work would go within. Install Grunt locally by executing the command npm install grunt --save-dev 

Also install Grunt Coffee Plugins and Less Plugin as below:

Step 2: Create an html file named index.html, and files site.less and within directories  less and coffee respectively such that complete working directory would be looking as below.

Step 3: Include these entities in the Html File, .coffee file and .less file


Step 4: Now create the GruntFile.js that takes up the required configurations to initialize the task, load the required NPM Modules, register the Task etc.

Step 5: Execute the Command grunt at the project root directory to invoke the Grunt-Cli which inturn would generate the .css and .js file from .less and .coffee  files respectiely.

Step 6: Run the index.html to find how the generated .css and .js applies.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


What is Bower?

  • Bower is a package manager like NPM and it  primarily deals with Front End Dependencies.
  • It works with GitHub to install the Dependencies in the Local Directory and is written in JavaScript.
Installation of Bower:
  • Bower is installed with npm using the command npm install -g global.

[Note: -g flag places Bower globally]
  • To validate if Bower has been installed correctly run the command bower --version

Installation of Dependencies:
  • Let's try to install a bower component [which is none other than Front End Dependency like Angular, JQuery, JQueryUI etc]
  • Navigate to the project root directory and run the command bower install angular and this command would place the angular related entities inside the directory named bower_components which is located right underneath Project Root where we run the command.
          [ Note: In case if we are unable to reach, that's because firewall is preventing it and we get the error message as below

and we ought to use https:// for connecting to github.  hence run the command git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git:// as below

This would make Installed Git Client to fetch the contents]

Generation of bower.json

bower.json file helps in maintaining all the bower components and we can generate the file by running the command bower init at the root directory. This would generate the bower.json file

The use of generating bower.json is that we don't need to have to check in the bower_components directory and it's contents into version control system. Checking In just the bower.json would do. At the other side, when the Users check out the bower.json file, they run the command bower install command and that would place all the required contents into the bower_components directory. Try this command by deleting the bower_components directory and run this command .

Difference between NPM Vs Bower

When we closely observe, Bower and NPM may look to work the same but there are subtle differences.

  • The biggest difference is that npm does nested dependency tree (size heavy) while Bower requires a flat dependency tree(puts the burden of dependency resolution on the user).
  • A nested dependency tree means that your dependencies can have its own dependencies which can have their own, and so on. This is really great on the server where you don't have to care much about space and latency. It lets you not have to care about dependency conflicts as all your dependencies use e.g. their own version of Underscore. This obviously doesn't work that well on the front-end. Imagine a site having to download three copies of jQuery.
  • Nested Dependencies could offer stability with maintenance of different versions of dependencies possible in the sense as below

 -> dependency A Version 1.4
 -> dependency B
    -> dependency A Version 1.2
 -> dependency C
    -> dependency B
       -> dependency A Version 1.3
    -> dependency D

  • The reason many projects use both is that they use Bower for front-end packages and npm for developer tools like Yeoman, Grunt, Gulp etc where nested dependencies is imparted to give stability.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015



What is NodeJs?

        It's a cross-platform RunTime Environment (Java Developers can visualize it like JRE with an exception that NodeJS is utilized to execute JavaScripts) that uses Chrome V8 JavaScript engine to execute the JavaScripts.

Why NodeJS?

       JavaScripts are normally interpreted by Browsers. When considering the Environment out of browsers, JavaScripts aren't that powerful.

       Javascripts din't have access to File System for years. Though HTML5 introduces File API, the concept still doesn't gain much support outside chrome.

       How great would it be if we execute our Javascripts in some platform other than browsers and also impart many features to JavaScript. NodeJs serves this purpose.

When we need to go for NodeJs?
     Normally we start using NodeJs at two instance

  • First is that when we need to work with utilities built on top of NodeJs like Grunt, Gulp, Yeoman. Installation of these Node Package requires NodeJs to be installed in the System. [NodeJs is required here just to install other Node Package and we don't need to be expertise in NodeJs. Just an Installation of NodeJs would do (Node Package Manager comes by default with NodeJs Installation)]
  • Second is when you deal with Web Application Frameworks like Express, Koa etc that's being built on NodeJs, you obviously would have to deal with NodeJs. [In this case as a NodeJs Engineer, you would be dealing on how to setup the Server, Rest API Calls etc]

How NodeJs Works?

  • NodeJS is built using the Chrome V8 JavaScript Engine and other C/C++ Libraries to support HTTP, TCP, DNS, Asynchronous I/O.
  • Also composed of JavaScript Modules.

Working with NodeJs -

Sample Execution of Javascript in NodeJs

Let's have a look at the sample tutorial of running JavaScript in NodeJs

Step 1: Make sure NodeJs is installed. Then type in node to enter the console region.

            var a =1;

Step 2:  Ctrl + C twice to exit the node console.

Step 3: We can also prepare a separate javascript file with the contents and execute it as follows with the contents of file being. (Note: Make sure you are in the directory where the javascript file is in. Here the javascript file is considered as Module by NodeJs)

            var a =1;

Sample Execution of calling Module from another Module:

Step 1: Create a file named sample.js with contents

var a=1;
console.log(a +'There');
module.exports.a =a;

Step2 :  Create a file named sample2.js with contents

var sample = require('./sample.js');

Step3: Execute the Module sample2.js. The result is that contents of sample.js gets executed at first and also export the contents of module 1(sample.js) to module 2(sample2.js). [ Note module.exports.a =a; at sample.js file would  save the value of a in exports module typed a. We inturn acquire this in sample2.js file using the variable named a which was earlied given to it]

Node Package Manager 

  • Node Package Manager comes by default with NodeJs and helps in downloading, installing and managing the Node Packages.
  • Based on the knowledge on modules, lets' try to install a module named underscore.
  • Let's setup the directory named Test and place the sample.js and sample2.js created as above within Test directory . Now navigate to directory Test and run the command npm install underscore

 [ Note: We can also do npm install underscore -g where this would install the module in global directory C:\Users\Istherino\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ at which the module could be shared by all the Projects ]
  • This would download the underscore module / node package  and place it within node_modules directory [node_modules directory is created in a place where the npm install underscroe command is executed]  
  • Let's try to refer the downloaded module from sample2.js. Include the import module statement ( var underscores = require('underscore')) in sample2.js as below such that sample2.js file looks as below. This would look into the node_modules directory and search for a module named underscore. [Note: While referiing to underscore module within node_modules directory we didn't  use any relative paths like ./ ]
                  var underscores = require('underscore')

                  var sample = require('./sample.js');

  •     Run node sample2.js and this would print the entire  underscore module as below.

Use of package.json
  •  If suppose we are working in a larger project and wanna check in the above files in Version Control System, we probably won't be checking in the node_module dependencies.

  • Instead ask the Users who check out the code to download the dependencies. This brings in another challenge that the downloadable module dependency list that is associated with the project ought to be maintained in a separate file. This is where package.json comes into the scene.

  • Move to the Project Root Directory. Here it is Test and run the command npm init. This generates a package.json file carrying all the dependencies listed in local node_modules directory.

  • Let's try to install another node_module and let it be backbone. Move to the Root Project structure Test and run the command npm install --save backbone

--save flag saves the downloaded dependency onto the package.json file. 

Now let's delete the node_modules directory in local project structure. Move to the root of Project Structure. Here it is test direcotory and run the command npm install. This would dowload all the dependency listed in package.json. That's the beauty of package.json file.

Also if we closely look at the package.json file, we have two types of dependencies

--save saves the dependency to dependencies{} [Dependencies that help in developement]
--save-dev saves the dependency to devDependencies{} [Dependencies that helps in deploying, building, testing  the application]

"dependencies": {
    "backbone": "^1.1.2",
    "underscore": "^1.8.2"
  "devDependencies": {},

Setting up the Server in NodeJs using the inbuilt http module/package:

we can easily setup the Server using the below content placed in a .js file that would start up the server when run using node filename.js

var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function(req,res){
console.log('got a request');
